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6 tips to help you dress your baby like a pro

Becoming a parent is the best thing in the world. Of course, it can be both exciting and overwhelming in equal measure, especially if you are a first-time parent with no idea what you are doing.

One of the things that most new parents can't seem to figure out is how to dress their kiddos. Most parents end up going overboard, making their little ones uncomfortable in the process. This article will help you figure out how to dress your child in the most stress-free way possible. 

While dressing your baby, one of the most important things to remember is to keep things as simple and comfortable as possible. If an outfit looks uncomfortable to you, it probably is. Also, don't go overboard in stocking your baby's wardrobe with outfits that will soon be outgrown.

Dressing your baby should be a fun experience for both you and your little angel. With the tips below, you'll be able to take things to a whole other level and finally start dressing your baby like a pro. 

1. Keep it simple

This is the most important rule to remember when it comes to dressing your baby.

As you select the outfit of the day, remember that you are probably going to have a few hundred diaper changes to do before the end of the day. So, make things a little easier for yourself. You want this process to be as simple as possible for you and the baby. A complicated outfit makes changing your baby’s diaper more challenging than it has to be. You do not want to be struggling with too many layers, buttons, and bows, regardless of how adorable the overall outfit might look.

Go for simple outfits like onesies. This makes outfit changes very easy to accomplish. You do not have to undress your squirming baby completely just to get to their diaper. Plus, such outfits are super comfortable for your little one, too, especially when they become mobile. 

Also, go for outfits with stretchy necklines. Babies hate having clothes pulled over their heads.

2. Go for front fasteners

If your baby is still unable to sit up unassisted, they probably spend almost the entire day on their backs. Therefore, you should avoid buying any outfit that fastens at the back before they are able to sit up on their own.

While tummy-time is important for the physical development of your baby, doing it while dressing them can be rather stressful for them. Go for outfits that have buttons, zips, or poppers at the front or in the crotch area. This will allow your baby to lie on their back and look at you as you dress them. 

You could also go for simple but stylish outfits like kimono tops. Kimono tops wrap around and snap on the front or on the sides. Apart from being comfortable for newborn infants, they also minimize contact with your baby’s umbilical cord stump which is still sensitive. 

3. Invest in dribble bibs

You should also stock up on dribble bibs and burp cloths. During the first few months, your baby will drool and spit up a lot as they learn to nurse. Bibs and burp cloths are placed snugly underneath the baby’s chin to catch the constant spit-up and drool. They, therefore, play the important role of keeping your baby’s clothes free from spit up and excess drool. This, in turn, prevents your baby’s skin from being irritated.

Dribble bibs and burp cloths are available in a variety of colors and designs. Depending on what you go for, they can also transform a simple outfit into a stylish one. They will also keep your baby looking adorable even after they have made a mess.

4. Buy basics in bulk

You should consider buying basics like onesies, vests, and socks in multi-packs. You will probably have to change your baby several times a day in their first year or two. Buying essential outfits in bulk will save you a lot of time that would have otherwise had to be spent doing loads of laundry.

As you buy basics in bulk, get them in neutral colors. For things like socks, buy them in similar colors. You will lose lots of them over time, and it's almost always going to be just one half of a pair. If you have several identical pairs that can’t be told apart, this is no biggie. 

That said, don't spend too much money on basic outfits. Most of them are going to end up lost anyway. Plus, your baby will spend most of their time snuggled under blankets, so the clothes they put on don't need to be expensive. As long as they are cotton and comfy, they'll get the job done. 

5. Don’t overbuy 

You should try to avoid buying too many outfits before the baby arrives. Babies come in different sizes, and the outfits you bought beforehand may turn out to be too small. Also, babies grow really fast. Your baby will probably outgrow most of their outfits within a few weeks.

Consider buying a few basic outfits for your newborn at a 0 to 3-month size. Keep the receipts for the outfits until the baby is born, just in case you have to exchange the sizes when the baby comes. 

6. Consider accessories

As you shop for your baby, do not forget to get essentially accessories. Hats, mittens, and jackets are very important especially if you intend to spend a lot of time outside.

Hats help to regulate your baby's temperature. A fleece or wooly hat is great for winter while a lighter one would do for summer. Mittens, apart from completing an outfit perfectly, keep your baby’s little hands warm. They absolutely cannot miss having these in their wardrobe. 

Final Thoughts

So there you have it. With these simple tips, dressing your baby will become easier than ever. Your baby will also become more comfortable as you dress them and after, which is just the cherry on top. Good luck! 

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